We all know about the Shark Tank program, which has been running since 2009 and how its popularity is increasing day by day. Now many countries organize this program on their TV show and viewers show so much interest in this kind of reality show. Why not? when there are lots of entrepreneurs around the world and they need to raise funding and mentorship from top sharks for growth of their company. They wonder why nobody would miss this chance.

Here is my analysis of Shark Tank US. We had a Data challenge from Onyx Data, where we got a database where you have all the information about the 12 seasons. You need to analyze the data and provide your input through data visualization tools. They also had a mini challenge where they partnership with ZoomCharts. So, in this mini-challenge you need to use their charts (minimum two) for the dashboard and submit your entry.

I always like to create my dashboard with a strong purpose, which I usually find through initial analysis of data. And this time I found out about female entrepreneurs, so why not cover this area?

In this dashboard, my focus was only on opportunity and benefit analysis of female entrepreneurs:

This time my dashboard approach was to keep it very simple and minimalist. The top level of radial gauge charts provides information about the No. of pitchers, equity gave up to sharks, viewership and success rate of female entrepreneurs. The bottom right bar chart provides information about the total investments by sharks by gender (it's for all 12 seasons). Also, the top three industries are mentioned in which most of the female entrepreneurs come from. If you need any further details please feel free to reach me.

Thanks for reading :-)


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