Tour de France : History of Largest Sporting Event


Goal of the Project

The goal of the project is to create an infographic-style visual to educate new viewers, highlight the magnitude of the event, and build anticipation for this year's Tour de France. This challenge requirement is different from others as here we are not getting any business insights or solution to do better. Here we have the information and we tried to spread information in easy and simple manner that more viewers can show interest in the coming years. As there are still many people has lack of knowledge about this event and access to watch this event (or lack of resources).

What were business need

The need is to create an infographic visual to educate new viewers about the world’s largest event Tour de France and 3.5 billion viewers were interested to watch from all around the world. My focus is to attract more viewers and provide base information or history that they don’t know. We are 8 billion population and we have to showcase this largest annual sporting event to publicity in a correct way to make it more popular. Before creating this infographic visual, my questions are that:

  1.    How to educate more viewers?
  1.    How to spread information in single page view (if anybody want in simple and easy to understand infographic visual)? Even though the challenge is not about single page view but still if any new viewers one to know this event they wont spent much time to read rather than they will want something easy and less time consuming.
  1.    How much information is needed for first viewers to watch this event?

What are your key insights?

My key insights is that the event is very popular and happening since 1903 (110 years), so its deserve more viewers and publicity so that everybody around the world can enjoy this event. Through this data files we can see how the distance over the years has been decreased and the speed of the winners are increased as we know speeds are increasing due to advance technology in cycles, more concern about fitness and more support from different organizations for players. There are almost 21 stages to complete with 23 days period and its includes flat road, hilly area, mountain etc. There are also missing data from 1905 to 1912 for finishing time, so we should take care of those years as well.

My work includes here:

My project includes two-page view where a viewer or user can find all the details with this dashboard. My aim to is create a simple and easy to read one page view because new viewers to this event will get information about the history and milestones, top countries and participants. And in the second page is detailed analysis where viewers can compare the speed, distance, age, finisher/starter in different chart or graphs, if anybody want to go little bit in depth information, they can look for page number two.

About the Tour de France report:

First page: I have in a simple and easy to read visuals, where I covered up event history, different milestone, no. of viewers in previous years, top countries to win and this year sports details along with anticipations.

Second page: Its more about the detailed analysis of the speed vs. distance, finisher and starter ratio, number of stages and distance analysis by starting years. One more interesting visual I have added here is winners’ description. Where just clicking the year, you will get all the information about the winner, country, winning age, DOB, distance, completing time and average speed of the cycling.

How I did it?

The challenge had four different csv files.





My work started with :

1. Data file uploading (four files).

2.The relationship changes (if needed)


2.Second is to data cleaning and changes in format such as text to number, separating KM and miles in different column, adding column for winners age from DOB.

4. Data Analysis of the files such as riders speeds, distance and finishing time over the years.

5.The last is the dashboard preparation (story building) and to maintain a flow that user can get all information about Tour de France not in complicated way. My report includes two page and the first page has all basic information about the history, key milestones, viewers and 2023 information and prediction. The second page is about the different analysis of distance vs. speed, finisher and starter ration, no. of stages over the year and winning age over the year etc.

My key focus in this entire report was SPEED, DISTANCE AND TIME.

Thanks for reading. Hope you like the information.


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