Great thought by Mrunal Nandankar

Success is not measured by how much a man has,
But how much he has done,
How far he has gone.
Success is the basic human knowledge,
Of how well a man has done.
It is not taken lightly,
Or as it shouldn't be.
This is a serious task.
One given to man by fate.
Only you can determine your success.
Only people can comment it.
Push your self to the limit,
Gas far as you can,
Strive for it,
For it is important,
Your success.
One of the most important traits of human kind,
Taken for granted by the rich,
And serious by the poor.
We all have it in us,
What it takes to be a success.
We just have to reach in deep enough,
And we will soon find the success in us,
That has been lying there all a long.
Success is key to all of life's compances,
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Mrunal Nandankar...............


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