Maven Healthcare Challenge: Aug 2023

In recent Maven Analytics challenge, we need to do analysis of hospital survey data. The data is about National & state-level scores from 2013 to 2022 for the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, a national, standardized survey of hospital patients about their experiences during a recent inpatient hospital stay.

First know about, what is HCAHPS?

The HCAHPS survey is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients' perspectives of hospital care. HCAHPS (pronounced "H-caps"), also known as the CAHPS Hospital Survey, is a survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients' perceptions of their hospital experience.

HCAHPS is a patient satisfaction survey that was developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in collaboration with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) beginning in 2002. It was designed to help government agencies begin to collect and aggregate data on patient’s perspectives of care at the various healthcare facilities in the United States. HCAHPS scores are used to enable objective comparisons of hospitals across a variety of metrics, inform healthcare consumers about the relative standard of care at each facility and create incentives for hospitals and healthcare organizations to compete on patient engagement and satisfaction.

The challenge data consists of 7 files, lets have a look one by one below:

1. Measures

Measure ID is primary key. Here we get information what are the key measures are categorized for the hospitals to evaluate their performance. There are ten key measure to look for through the survey data. The Type is consisting of three categories: composite measure, individual item and global item.

2. National results

National result is for overall all for the United States based of different measures. Release period and Measure ID is Foreign key. Bottom box (least positive), middle box (intermediate) and top box (most positive) is the percentage received for respective measure during that release period. For example: In Measue ID --- H_Clean_HSP is about cleanliness of hospital environment (check measures table) where 8% of respondents given least positive, 18% given intermediate and rest 74% high positive rating for the release period Sep 2015.

3. Questions

What questions were asked to the respondents based on different measure ID during survey.

4. Report

This is the release period of the survey result for each hospital. Release period is unique identifier for each HCAHPS report and the date (month_year) in which the data was released (these reports are publicly reported four times each year, based on four consecutive quarters of patient surveys)

5. Responses

Facility ID: Unique identifier for each hospital that participated in the HCAHPS patient.

Completed Survey: Completed surveys from patients discharges from the facility in the given report. How many numbers of patents submitted the survey during discharge.

Response Rate (%): Response rate from surveys submitted to patients (as a percentage - 26 = 26%). How much percentage discharge patents submitted the response.

6. State results

State result is same as national result only difference is here you will get the data based on states (50 US States (plus DC - District of Columbia)) of the United States. Release period, state and Measure ID is Foreign key. Bottom box (least positive), middle box (intermediate) and top box (most positive) is the percentage received for respective measure during that release period.

7. States

It’s a metadata to get the full state name or region to use in the report. This data file can be connected with the State Result and Responses file.

Look for the Model view once and confirmed the Primary key and Foreign key of the report. Once your data is ready, you can ready to start your work on analysis and dashboard creation.

The data challenge link is below:

Happy Analyzing :-)


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