Italy, France, and Spain were the top three producers of wine worldwide as of 2022. That year, France produced about 45.6 million hectoliters of wine. Italy was the leading producer of wine in 2022, and had the highest export volume of wine in that year, at 21.9 million hectoliters. The other two top wine producers were also the top exporters. Spain exported 21.2 million hectoliters and France, 14 million.

The world vineyard surface area is estimated to be 7.3 mha in 2022, only marginally lower compared to 2021 (-0.4%). The surface area of the world vineyard seems to have stabilised since 2017. The current stabilisation, however, hides heterogeneous evolutions in the main vine growing countries. The world vineyard surface area is estimated to be 7.3 mha in 2022, only marginally lower compared to 2021 (-0.4%). The surface area of the world vineyard seems to have stabilised since 2017. The current stabilisation, however, hides heterogeneous evolutions in the main vine growing countries.

World wine consumption in 2022 is estimated at 232 mhl, marking a decrease of 2 mhl compared to 2021. The war in Ukraine and the associated energy crisis, together with the global supply chain disruptions, lead to a spike in costs in production and distribution. This resulted in significant increases in wine prices for the consumers. In such a context, wine consumption behaviours at country level have been quite heterogenous across geographical regions.

World wine production, excluding juices and musts, in 2022 is estimated at 258 mhl, marking a decrease of almost 3 mhl (-1%) compared to 2021. This is due to higher-than-expected harvest volume in Europe and the USA (despite the drought and heat waves during spring and summer) and average production level recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. Overall, in 2022 the dry and hot conditions observed across different regions of the world have led to early harvests and average volumes.

Power BI


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