Project Questions:

This role is a HR data analyst to develop a HR Dashboard for your organization. The organization has purchased Inforiver as its primary custom visuals to standardize and simplify the reporting. It is an opportunity for you to show your creativity about our investment. Required to answer a few, not all, the questions below, they are prepared to help you to focus on an aspect of your analysis.

  1. Can you find the age segments about the employees?

  2. What is the gender ratio each hire year?

  3. What is the martial status distributed each hire year? Did number of single new hires increase or decrease historically?

  4. What branch had the most/fewest new hires each year?

  5. How about the employee retention rate each year? What is the main leave reason? 6. Which department had the most/fewest new hires each year?

  6. Which department had the highest/lowest retention rate each year?

  7. Which department had the highest/lowest average satisfaction score each year?

  8. Can you provide the yearly average salary the organization paid to each department?

10.Which department had been paid most/fewest bonus each year?

11.Which job title had the highest/lowest satisfaction score?

  1. Which job title had been paid the highest/ lowest salary each year?

  2. How much money have we invested to management position each year?

  3. Can you show us any correlation between employee performance and material status?

15.Whether you have a better performance to make more money?

Tools Used:

Power BI

Project Insights:

I have categorized the dashboard in four sections and my insights are below:

  1. Employee Demographics analysis such as age group, number of male and female employees growth, and number of employees by department and branch.
  2. Employee salary and satisfaction analysis: What is average salary by department. which job roles are getting higher and lesser salary than others and which job roles has highest and lowest satisfaction towards their work.
  3. Hire and Retention analysis by the company: how is the hiring growth by martial status and department. what is the key reason of retention over years and which department impacted the most.
  4. Performance analysis of employees by department and martial status and investment analysis by the company for the management positions over the last 5-6 years.


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